Freshly cut arugula microgreens
Arugula Microgreens

What Are Arugula Microgreens?

Arugula microgreens, also known as micro arugula, are immature arugula plants. They are small, tender, edible leafy greens consumed at the microgreen stage of growth. Arugula microgreens are healthy, delicious, intensely flavored, and easy to grow.

Arugula is known by several other names including Rocket Lettuce and Roquette. Micro Rocket sounds fun. Arugula is part of the Brassica Family, related to kale and broccoli.

Are Arugula Microgreens the Same as Arugula Sprouts?

No. While they are both grown from an arugula seed, microgreens and sprouts differ in several key aspects including age and growing technique. Read my post about the differences between sprouts and microgreens here.

Are Arugula Microgreens Healthy?

Microgreens are recognized as a functional food. Compared to their mature counterparts, arugula microgreens contain up to four times the vitamin C content. They also pack a concentrated dose of vitamin K. Teeming with phytochemicals, like carotenoids, which protect cells by scavenging free radicals.

Micro arugula is high in protein, an excellent source of fiber and high in flavonoids, read more here. (Read this study for more or this one.)

What’s the Best Way to Eat Arugula Microgreens

Raw with savory foods. These greens are so tender they will practically dissolve if cooked. Also because micro arugula is so strong and peppery, keep them far away from smoothies.

Arugula Microgreens
Round 8oz Tray of Micro Arugula

How Long Do Arugula Microgreens Last?

It depends on whether you have packaged or living arugula microgreens.

Still Living:

If you are lucky enough to have arugula microgreens still growing (i.e. not cut and packaged), you will have about a week to two weeks to use them (depending on how “mature” the microgreens were when you got them). Generally, when you see the third leaf growing from between the first two leaves, you should eat them very soon. Keep your living microgreens on your counter and water as needed to keep the growing medium damp.


The shelf-life of arugula microgreens is not long. Because arugula microgreens are so very tender, they must be consumed within a few days of harvest. Harvested micro arugula must be fully dried before stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container with a paper towel to absorb moisture. Store in a rigid container to avoid crushing or bruising.

Tip: If you refrigerate wet micro arugula the greens will get mushy and totally gross. Be careful to ensure the container does not have condensation–wipe away any moisture.

Living tray of micro arugula

How Do You Grow Arugula Microgreens?

Micro Arugula is one of the fastest growing microgreens. Learn how you can grow arugula microgreens at home with our growing guide.

Tomato and micro arugula toasts
Caprese and micro arugula toasts

How To Use Arugula Microgreens?

Arugula microgreens are fantastic in salads and on sandwiches. Try one of these recipe ideas to use your arugula microgreens in:

Quick Cherry Tomato and Micro Arugula Salad: Grab a pint of cherry tomatoes and slice them in half or quarters. Add a generous handful of arugula microgreens. Drizzle with a fruity olive oil. Finish with salt and pepper. You can eat it at this stage and it is delicious. But go extra and add fresh mozzarella balls or a blob of creamy burrata and eat with a crusty baguette.

Arugula Microgreens “Caprese” Toast Recipe: Try this recipe for caprese-style toasts topped with micro arugula. A loaf of crusty bread and fresh creamy cheese, drizzle of balsamic, you are ready to entertain (or just a light lunch).



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Quantum Microrgeens is your guide to living well inside & out. Get clean(ish) recipes, living tips and everything microgreens. We're Melissa & Kelly, two sisters living in California and Connecticut.

Quantum Microrgeens is your guide to living well inside & out. Get clean(ish) recipes, living tips and everything microgreens. We're Melissa & Kelly, two sisters living in California and Connecticut.

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