What Are Basil Microgreens?
Basil microgreens, also known as micro Basil, are immature Basil plants. They are small, tender, edible leafy greens consumed just a few weeks after planting. Basil microgreens are healthy, delicious, intensely flavored, and easy to grow.
There are several well-known basil varieties that can be grown as microgreens including Giant Italian, Sweet, Genovese, Thai, and Purple.

Are Basil Microgreens the Same as Basil Sprouts?
No, but this is a confusing question because a sprout is different from “Sprouts”. When I say Sprouts, I am referring to edible sprouted seeds in which the seeds are grown in water and the roots, stem and just forming leaves are consumed (think alfalfa sprouts and a sandwich). To sprout is a verb referring to “beginning to grow.” A sprout is young plant growth (a beginning stage of a plant).
As for Basil Sprouts, those are not commonly grown. Actually, I don’t know of any basil sprouts. Basil seed is sticky and gooey, and takes a long time to germinate, not great for sprouts. Read my post about the differences between sprouts and microgreens here.
How To Use Basil Microgreens?
Use raw as an accompaniment to your meal or as an ingredient.

Are Basil Microgreens Healthy?
Basil microgreens contain high levels of beta carotene comparable to carrots and sweet potatoes. Also a great source of vitamin K. High in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Micro Basil has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
What Do Basil Microgreens Taste Like?
The variety of micro basil grown has an impact on the flavor. Genovese microgreens are creamy tasting with a milder sweet basil flavor, while Italian basil has a stronger basil flavor. Anisy and delish.
What’s the Best Way to Eat Basil Microgreens?

Raw with savory or sweet foods. These greens are so tender they will practically dissolve if cooked. Also because micro Basil can be mild tasting, it is best to pair them with milder food. Italian food, but also a great topping for fruit salads. Also great in omelets for a fancy breakfast.
How Long Do Basil Microgreens Last?
It depends on whether you have packaged or living Basil microgreens:
Still Living:

If you are lucky enough to have Basil microgreens still growing (i.e. not cut and packaged), you will have about a two to three weeks to use them (depending on how “mature” the microgreens were when you got them). Basil microgreens are very slow growers, and do well even after the first pair of true leaves emerge.
The shelf-life of Basil microgreens is not long. Because Basil microgreens are so very tender, they must be consumed within a few days of harvest. Harvested micro Basil must be fully dried before stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container with a paper towel to absorb moisture. Store in a rigid container to avoid crushing or bruising. Be aware, that the flavor of Basil Microgreens will start to fade the longer they are stored in the fridge, so eat them as soon as possible for best possible flavor.
Tip: If you refrigerate wet micro Basil the greens will get mushy and totally gross. Be careful to ensure the container does not have condensation–wipe away any moisture
How to Harvest Basil Microgreens
Basil microgreens are very short. This means it is tricky to harvest micro basil. Use a sharp knife and cut as close to the soil as possible.
How Do You Grow Basil Microgreens?
Micro Basil is one of the trickier varieties to grow because of how long they take to germinate and because the seed is mucilaginous (forms a gooey and jelly-like coating when wet).
Basil Microgreens grow even slower in cool or cold weather- definitely use a heating mat if trying to grow in the fall or winter.
When growing, keep the container small, do not over water, do not underwater, ensure the seeds are evenly moist until roots have grown. I like to use a deeper amount of soil than for other microgreens.
It is possible to manipulate the light to elongate basil stems. When growing, keep in the dark until the stems are ¼ inc long, then allow bright light. Basil prefers bright sun.
Soon I’ll put out a growing guide just for micro basil.
Recipe Basil Microgreens
Basil microgreens are fantastic on pizza, pasta, and avocado toast.
Grab a pint of cherry tomatoes and slice them in half or quarters. Add a generous handful of Basil microgreens. Drizzle with a fruity olive oil. Finish with salt and pepper. You can eat it at this stage and it is delicious. But go extra and add fresh mozzarella balls or a blob of creamy burrata and eat with a crusty baguette. (you can substitute arugula microgreens for basil)

More Microgreens Varieties
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Microgreens Care
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